Code levels 1.4 and 2.0 configure slightly differently and are both covered here.
Code version 1.4(x) configures a little odd. Two VLAN’s with the same “VLAN ID” have to be created. One under Appliances, and the other under LAN tab. ID’s same, but names different or it didn’t work for me. With code version 2.0(x) only need to create a VLAN under Appliances. Very nice change.
Would rather just do a port-channel to a 10G switch dedicated to each FI. Appliance are not something really integrated into UCSM yet in my opinion until the 2.0(x) code.
Example running Code level 1.4(3m).
Used port 20 on each FI.
Under the Appliances tab created a VLAN with ID of 2000 (2000 is just my favorite for this, any unused works).
Bound that to each Storage Port to VLAN.
Created a VLAN with same ID 2000, under global VLANs under LAN tab. Found that if the VLAN “names” are the same it does not work, so names must be different, but ID has to be same (2000).
To me the 2 VLANs with same ID is weird in 1.4(x), glad only Appliance VLAN is needed in 2.0(x).
Create a vNIC template and bind to the VLAN created that matches the ID of desired Appliance VLAN. Select Native.
Boom, it works.
Example running Code level 2.0(x).
Same as 1.4(x) but only need to create VLANs under Appliances, and vNIC’s will bind to them.
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