Went to an introduction to Nimble Storage devices http://www.nimblestorage.com/ attaching to Cisco UCS the vendor offered. Nimble was presenting a strong pitch for UCS iSCSI…
Unified Computing from Crate to Cloud
Went to an introduction to Nimble Storage devices http://www.nimblestorage.com/ attaching to Cisco UCS the vendor offered. Nimble was presenting a strong pitch for UCS iSCSI…
The new M3 Blades come with an optional SD Card http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/unified_computing/ucs/hw/chassis/install/B200M3.html#wp1060692 Have not used the SD cards but don’t like the idea, or local drives.…
This is the future. Systems like Isilon running Windows 8 and providing storage like this will be defacto before long. In Windows environments at least.…
Cisco UCS iSCSI Boot Through Appliance Ports Setup Video Appliance Ports and an iSCSI target is very similar to Boot from SAN. Using Appliance Ports…
Code levels 1.4 and 2.0 configure slightly differently and are both covered here. Code version 1.4(x) configures a little odd. Two VLAN’s with the same…
Update 2/24/2012 FreeNAS does not support FC Targets. Setting up iSCSI boot now since upgrading to 2.0 Code level. So far it is a bit…