Published on Nov 7, 2013
Learn how to create a complete OpenStack deployment with UCS, Nexus and the Cisco OpenStack Installer. Cisco's OpenStack solution supports multiple distributions including Red Hat OpenStack and Ubuntu. Also learn how the Cloud Services Router (CSR) integration with OpenStack enables additional billable services for per-tenant routing and security. In this session you will learn down to increase the networking scalability of OpenStack with both hardware and software Nexus products including Nexus 1000V on KVM. Orchestrating next generation data center architectures including Dynamic Fabric Automation using OpenStack will be detailed . This session will also discuss how UCS Manager makes it easy to configure a bare metal node for OpenStack pilot and production deployments with both blade and rack mount servers. The Cisco OpenStack Installer will also be featured in this presentation with instructions on how to install OpenStack with High-Availability (HA) on UCS with Nexus.
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