Looks like 20% and it is time for IaaS. 20% of what exactly? We are seeing customers owning private cloud infrastructure when utilization is consistently…
Unified Computing from Crate to Cloud
Looks like 20% and it is time for IaaS. 20% of what exactly? We are seeing customers owning private cloud infrastructure when utilization is consistently…
Always use Cisco UCS VLAN Manager even with single uplink! Life isn’t perfect or fair, someone will screw up your perfect architecture one day… trust…
Power caping per Blades is managed by Policy on Cisco UCs.
Glad Cisco is starting to give Hyper-V some love.
Brad is a master, watch!
Brad is a master.
Cute Video, they grow up so fast!
Be sure to stay current, or checkout the Cisco UCS Emulator if you have not done this already. https://communities.cisco.com/docs/DOC-37897 Runs very well under VMWare Player.…
Published on Nov 7, 2013 Learn how to create a complete OpenStack deployment with UCS, Nexus and the Cisco OpenStack Installer. Cisco's OpenStack solution supports multiple…