GRIN Gold Miner on HiveOS
1/22/2019 Update
Have had issues with HiveOS native GrinMiner and GrinGoldMiner installing.
bminer is running great hash and working without issue. Screenshots of setup below. Running against F2 pool.
Older News
GRIN is now on TradeOgre
How To Mine Grin Coin | Windows & Linux Mining Guide + What is GrinCoin anyway?
GitHub for GRIN on HiveOS
GRIN Pools
See what GRIN pools are most active
Sparkpool is kind of a “Pain in the Ass” but does work.
WARNING Have gotten reports that people cannot get GRIN off this pool 1/16/2019. Will note here if people get past issues.
Just got GRINmint working, below are my screenshots.
F2 seems to be working well.
Hive OS F2 Config
Create an account at F2. Your username and password will be needed for miner login to exchange.
HiveOS F2 Screenshots
Pool URL:Port
Custom Miner URL
Flight Sheet Setup 01
Flight Sheet Setup 02
Click on “Setup Miner Config” from above screenshot.
Hive OS Config
WARNING Have gotten reports that people cannot get GRIN off this pool 1/16/2019. Will note here if people get past issues.
Grinmint Documentation:
HiveOS Screeshots
Installation URL:
Pool URL:
Note the FAQ here:
Isn’t noted below but following the FAQ suggestion and adding +randomvalue of some and kind and pawword is a good idea. Password would be in “Pass” field. Didn’t add here because have not tested to satisfaction to pass on. Was having trouble getting “Pass” to send over to Pool. Without password limited to email payouts from GRINmint.
Even tried hardcoding values in grin-miner.toml
stratum_server_login = “”
stratum_server_password = “myverystrongpassword”
But didn’t seem to pass over that way either. More on this at Setup FAQ at GRINmint
What I am sure works is below.
After this apply Flight Sheet apply to miner.
Goto Pool URL (edit for your email):®ion=US
If your on a mac and not used to the vi editor Text Edit can be used. Open files like this:
open -a TextEdit $HOME/.grin/main/grin-wallet.toml
Mainnet GRIN Wallet Config
Wallets can be downloaded here:
# Download for your architecture
# Start Node (needed for Wallet to work properly)
# Init Wallet
./grin wallet -p password init
# Configure Listener
vi $HOME/.grin/main/grin-wallet.toml
# Edit the noted line
#host IP for wallet listener, change to “” to receive grins
#api_listen_interface = “”
api_listen_interface = “”
# Fire up the listener!
./grin wallet listen
20190115 11:10:54.137 WARN grin_wallet::controller – Starting HTTP Foreign listener API server at
20190115 11:10:54.137 WARN grin_wallet::controller – HTTP Foreign listener started.
# Open needed firewall port. Note for wallet to work this needs to be port forwarded through firewall/router.
ufw allow 13415
Now the GRINmint pool can send you deposits.
# Check wallet status
./grin wallet status
GRIN Payouts from GRINmint
I didn’t set a password at the start so had to use email method. It worked. Info on working with attachment here:
######## Older Pre-Mainnet Stuff Below ########
Sparkpool is supporting testnet and has instructions for GRIN Miner setup.
Follow realworlducs on twitter, will be tweeting updates
IF YOU get some updates please let me know on twitter.
Hive announcements channel.
All discussions are in this group
Chat and support for Hive OS.
Announcements are on other channel
YES! – Custom Miner: GrinGoldMiner!
NOTE!# use updated GRIN Minder in flightsheet for below setup
Got the custom miner working
This works. Something to note the Hive OS “Wallet and worker template” in custom config is:
This is setup when registering with Sparkpool
Note that a random email is created when registering at Sparkpool, so be sure to add one that you own. HiveOS Wallet address does not really matter unless passing as variable (I didn’t, just hardcoded “your_email/rig_name”).
Grin is under development. Launch planned for Jan. 15th 2019.
Have this running on Ubuntu Server. HiveOS Custom Miner, is said to be scheduled for race day from Hive (even a pool). Can scroll to bottom to see non-custom minter cut and paste (just getting working already) version. Some recent news on mining GRIN H4SHR8 Crypto Mining Podcast
The grin-miner requires 8GB of RAM. Process will run out of memory with less and kernel will kill it.
CPU Requirements:
“They say to use an i5 but you might be able to get away with an i3. Celerons are gonna get rekt” ~ Source
That is a pricey CPU upgrade. Also note motherboard has to be compatible!
Intel Core i5-8400 Desktop Processor 6 Cores up to 4.0 GHz LGA 1151 300 Series 65W
Did get a hold of a GRIN Dev and asked about this on
So what does all this mean? Seems 8GB of RAM is needed for sure, but CPU requirements are uncertain (to me at least). Would not upgrade for race day if CPU works on Floonet/Testnet. Very good reason to test your rig now!
GRIN Information
GRIN Miner on GitHub
GRIN Forum
GRIN Mining Pools This appears to be the most popular.
GRIN Social Media
The twitter is pretty active
Introduction Videos
Info on MimbleWimble from the master
Bitcoin Q&A: MimbleWimble and Dandelion
Good description of GRIN
Davincij15 reveals GRIN COIN!! How to participate & profit?
This is Short and To the Point
Mimblewimble Launches: BEAM vs Grin
If you would like to deep dive into MimbleWimble. This is good.
What is MimbleWimble? (incl. Grin)
Long and OK
MimbleWimble – Beam And Grin
Build GRIN Miner
This is an AMAZING video walkthrough that follows. Pretty much all you need.
Getting Set Up With Grin
How to Mine GRIN with Mining Pool (Ubuntu + Nvidia)
Getting Set Up With Grin
Note will need to add –floonet to all commands for testnet
Only testnet exists so this represents setup for that. Once race day comes Jan 15th will update for production. Planning on having a testnet custom miner before the 15th. Not sure if HiveOS will have a production miner for GRIM by the 15th. If not, will kick one out.
Post at Bitcointalk covering EVERYTHING
[ANN] Grin | PoW Mining | Electronic transactions for all. Community
Specific Setups For CPU/CPU Mining
Read through all the Guides below, a successful setup requires pieces of each.
At the bottom of post, put my mostly cut and paste setup for GRIN Miner on HiveOS.
Grin Mining Pool — GPU Mining — How To
Grin Mining Pool — CPU Mining — How To
“Getting Set Up With Grin” below flows well and gets all pieces in place after the above GPU/CPU setup
Getting Set Up With Grin
Super Quick Example (not custom miner integrated)
These are my mostly cut and paste notes on a successful install on HiveOS. These should work on Ubuntu also but are not tested there.
It gets complicated and like most I “just want it to work” so here is fast-track.
All that is needed to mine GRIN against a pool is a GRIN Miner and GRIN Wallet Listener. A GRIN Node has to be running for the wallet to work, and that is covered in the Listener section. A Node helps the network anyhow so go for it.
Best practice (IMHO) is to have Wallet Listener and Node running on separate machine from Miner.
I ran out of space on default HiveOS partition, so you might want to grow. This is a very good practice for a HiveOS setup anyway. There is an option at the HiveOS miner CLI login that works.
Resize filesystem to fill disk
Create account at
These will be the credentials you login with in miner config.
GRIN Miner
(Did the CPU Miner first to ‘make sure it all works’ and not interrupt GPU mining on same rig)
sudo su – root
mkdir ~/mwgrinpool
cd ~/mwgrinpool
apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y curl git cmake make zlib1g-dev pkgconf \
ncurses-dev libncursesw5-dev linux-headers-generic g++ \
curl -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
# For some reason the $ENV for root is jacked a little, so run this to get straight.
sudo su – root
cd ~/mwgrinpool
git clone
cd grin-miner
git submodule update –init
cargo build –release
# Below commands are nice, or just look at what is happening and edit grin-miner.toml
# login for the stratum server (if required)
stratum_server_login = “username”
# password for the stratum server (if required)
stratum_server_password = “password”
sed -i ‘s/stratum_server_addr.*/stratum_server_addr = “″/’ grin-miner.toml
# Note below two steps are login created at
# Type username
printf “\nUsername: ” && read username && sed -i ‘s/.*stratum_server_login.*/stratum_server_login = “‘$username'”/’ grin-miner.toml
# Type password
printf “\nPassword: ” && read password && sed -i ‘s/.*stratum_server_password.*/stratum_server_password = “‘$password'”/’ grin-miner.toml
# How many cores you got?
grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo
# Select number of cores to mine with
printf “\nNumber of Processors: ” && read nthreads && sed -i ‘s/^nthreads.*/nthreads = ‘$nthreads’/’ grin-miner.toml
# RUN IT! I had to re-image HiveOS first time, because process would die without logging any reason. Fresh HiveOS worked fine.
If quickly after launching process dies check /var/log/syslog. Found that 4g wasn’t enough to run the miner.
GRIN Wallet Listener
There are two parts. The Listener and the Web Wallet. Might be a very good idea NOT to run the wallet on miner.
Note: To run a listener and get payouts from pool, will need TCP port 13415 forwarded from external IP through to machine running Listener.
# Install dependencies
apt-get update
apt-get install build-essential cmake git libgit2-dev clang libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev zlib1g-dev pkg-config libssl-dev
# Download and install Wallet (these are Node also)
git clone
cd grin
cargo build –release
# Start Node (needed for Wallet to work properly)
./grin/target/release/grin –floonet
# After running below command, note the “recovery phrase”
./target/release/grin –floonet wallet -p Make_Up_A_Password init
vi .grin/floo/grin-wallet.toml
# Edit the noted line
#host IP for wallet listener, change to “” to receive grins
#api_listen_interface = “”
api_listen_interface = “”
# Open needed firewall port. Note for wallet to work this needs to be port forwarded through firewall/router.
ufw allow 13415
# Fire up the listener!
# Command will hang up window/terminal so escape to screen or leave terminal/window open.
./grin/target/release/grin –floonet wallet listen
./grin/target/release/grin –floonet wallet listen
20190109 19:21:13.599 WARN grin_wallet::controller – Starting HTTP Foreign listener API server at
20190109 19:21:13.600 WARN grin_wallet::controller – HTTP Foreign listener started.
# Get some testnet coins. This will show if wallet has proper connectivity. This is better documented in source document above this section.
# This requests GRIN
source $HOME/.cargo/env
cd $HOME/grin/
The output of above command is fun “Of what awaits the sin of greed, For those who take, but do not earn, Must pay most dearly in their turn. Wait 5.7 minutes.“
# Info on Wallet (did the GRIN arrive? Takes a while)
./target/release/grin –floonet wallet info
Configure Pool To Send Payments to Listener
Add your external address and listener port. Will need a port forward at firewall for this.
# After a while check to see if GRIN is coming your way
./target/release/grin –floonet wallet txs
Web Wallet
Still Do Not Have This Working! Gave up on Web Wallet, since it isn’t essential to mine.
# Go home
cd $HOME/.grin
# Edit this file
vi floo/grin-wallet.toml
# Comment out
#api_secret_path = “/root/.grin/.api_secret”
# Don’t know what this does, but needs to be running
cd $HOME/
./grin/target/release/grin –floonet wallet owner_api
# Build Web Wallet
git clone
cd grin-web-wallet
apt install npm
npm install -g @angular/cli
npm install
# Start Web Wallet
ng serve
# Appears the Web Wallet is only available from localhost
# Even with all running, I get the below error and cannot get the Web Wallet working. If you have any ideas email me Thanks!
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