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There is an amazingly active UCS Director development community kicking out lots of useful functionality. Someone has even worked out integration. Current project is baremetal deployment with SAN provisioning etc via Director.


Number Description Page Link
1 CIDR Calculator UCSD CIDR Calculator
2 UCSD Play Book UCSD Play Book
3 Portal Folder Icons UCSD Portal Folder Icons
4 Custom SSH UCSD Custom Enhanced SSH
5 Change LDAP User Role UCSD Change LDAP User Role
6 Getting an IP address from a VMKernel Nic Identity UCSD Getting an IP address from a VMKernel Nic Identity
7 Assign VM Image to Group UCSD Assign VM Image to Group
8 Mass create VDC(s) / Find VDC Approver Example UCSD Mass create VDC(s) / Find VDC Approver Example
9 Bind/Unbind Service Profile from a Template UCSD Bind/Unbind Service Profile from a Template
10 Register ESXi Host with vCenter by its Hostname vs. IP UCSD Register ESXi Host with vCenter using its Hostname
11 Custom Input Variables with Restrictions UCSD Custom Input Variables with Restrictions
12 Call a Workflow via API UCSD Call a Workflow via API
13 Custom Button Tutorial UCSD Custom Button Tutorial
14 List of Value (LOV) Tutorial UCSD List of Value (LOV) Tutorial
15 PNSC Inventory Collection UCSD PNSC-Inventory collection
16 Retrieve the iSCSI IQN/WWN of an ESX iSCSI Software Adapter UCSD Retrieve the iSCSI IQN of an ESX iSCSI Software Adapter
17 PowerShell with Rollback UCSD PowerShell Tasks with Rollback
18 Add USER to existing Group UCSD Add USER to existing Group Example
19 Add DRS Rules/ Group UCSD Add DRS group / rules
20 UCSD Install Videos UCSD Install Video
21 Add LUN to VM UCSD Add LUN to VM
22 Windows DNS add/Delete Example UCSD ADD DNS / Delete DNS  (Windows)
23 Custom SSH (Rollback) UCSD Custom SSH Task (Rollback)
24 CIFS Share / QTREE UCSD CIFS Shares and QTree
25 UCS Blade Serial Number Check UCSD Workflow to Check Serial Numbers of UCSM Blades against Cisco Web site
26 Delete Snap Shot Older then ? / Snap Shot Report UCSD Snap Shot Report / Delete Snap Shot Older Then
27 Add Windows VM to OU in AD UCSD Workflow-Add provisionned Windows VM to specfic OU in Active Directory
28 UCSM ESXi Deployment Example UCSD – Workflow for UCS-B-Series-ESXi.wfdx
29 New Masking View for shared VMFS Datastore (FC) access on ESXi Cluster on Vblock 7XX Converged Stack UCSD Create a new MaskingView for shared VMFS Datastore access on ESXi Cluster (Vblock 7XX with Vision IO)
30 New VMFS Datastore (FC) to ESXi Cluster running on Vblock 7XX Converged Stack UCSD Add a new VMFS Datastore (FC) to ESXi Cluster on Vblock 7XX with Vision IO
31 ESXi Host booting from SAN and Integrates with vCenter Server and Nexus 1000v DVSwitch on Vblock 7XX Converged Stack UCSD ESXi BareMetal Provisioning with SAN Boot and N1Kv Workkflow on Vblock 7XX with Vision IO
32 New VLAN and VM Port Profile/Port Group on Vblock 3xx/7xx converged stack UCSD – Add a new VLAN (L2) and VM Port Profile to Vblock 3xx/7xx Stack with Vision IO
33 new VMFS Datastore (FC) to ESXi Cluster running on Vblock 3XX Converged Stack UCSD – Add a new VMFS Datastore (FC) to ESXi Cluster on Vblock 3XX with Vision IO
34 New NFS Datastore to ESXi Cluster running on Vblock 3XX Converged Stack UCSD – Add a new NFS Datastore to ESXi Cluster on Vblock 3XX with Vision IO
35 ESXi Host booting from SAN and Integrates with vCenter Server and Nexus 1000v DVSwitch on Vblock 3XX Converged Stack UCSD – ESXi BareMetal Provisioning with SAN Boot and N1Kv Workkflow on Vblock 3XX with Vision IO
36 Workflow status message UCSD – Workflow Status Message (“String of Pearls”)
37 Set VM Lease time (Lifecycle management)
38 New Masking View for shared VMFS Datastore (FC) access on ESXi Cluster on Vblock 7XX Converged Stack UCSD – Create a new MaskingView for shared VMFS Datastore access on ESXi Cluster (Vblock 7XX)
39 New VMFS Datastore (FC) to ESXi Cluster running on Vblock 7XX Converged Stack Add a new VMFS Datastore (FC) to ESXi Cluster on Vblock 7XX
40 ESXi Host booting from SAN and Integrates with vCenter Server and Nexus 1000v DVSwitch on Vblock 7XX Converged Stack ESXi BareMetal Provisioning with SAN Boot and N1Kv Workkflow on Vblock 7XX
41 New updated script ‘’ attached to this document supports Custom ESXi ISO images UCSD – Updated script to configure Custom ESXi ISO Image on UCS Director BMA 5.x
42 Obtain HP MAC address HP MAC address retrieval (by Brian Small)
43 MS SQL Silene Install MS SQL / IIS Silent Install
44 nth Loop Counter Task to get the nth iteration counter (Loop) (by Anish Mathew )
45 Loop Example / Dissecting UCSM Service Profile Name UCSD – Fun With Loops and Counters and disecting the UCSM service profile name
46 Read / Write File Example Read / Write to file (with counter / Reset back to 1)
47 Add new VLAN and VM Port Profile Flexpod Add a new VLAN (L2) and VM Port Profile to FlexPod (7-Mode/C-Mode) v1.0
48 Create new Entry in ServiceNow UCSD – Create entry in ServiceNow.wfdx
49 Create lots of Service Profiles Create Lots of Service Profiles attached to Blades for ESXi Deployment
50 Add new NFS Datastore to ESXi Cluster Add a new NFS Datastore to ESXi Cluster on Vblock 3XX
51 Create a new Tenant and VDC on VBLOCK Create a New Tenant and a vDC on Vblock 3xx/7xx with Vision IO
52 DNS example Windows DNS ADD/Delete example (Powershell)
53 vCenter Datacenter and Cluster Creation (ADDs ESXi hosts) UCSD – vCenter Data Center Creation / Cluster Creation
54 VPLEX Datastore Creation VPLEX VMware Datastore
55 VIX  Example VIX example
56 UCSM VLAN Check UCSM – VLAN Checker
57 API Example North Bound API Example (by Brandon Beck)
58 Add new VMFS Datastore VLOCK 3xx Add a new VMFS Datastore (FC) to ESXi Cluster on Vblock 3XX
59 New VLAN and VM Port Profile BLOCK 3xx/7xx Add a new VLAN (L2) and VM Port Profile to Vblock 3xx/7xx Stack
60 ESXi BMA example ESXi BareMetal Provisioning with SAN Boot and N1Kv Workflow on Vblock 3XX
61 ACI / APIC Example Create APIC 3tier Application
62 FlexPod Secure Service Container with NetApp Application Storage FlexPod Secure Service Container with NetApp Application Storage
63 FlexPod Tenant Onboarding with Secure Datastore NetApp FlexPod Tenant Onboarding with Secure Datastore
64 Get Service Container Data NetApp Get Service Container Data
65 Get Tenant IP Schema NetApp Get Tenant IP Schema
66 Get Tenant Onboarding IP Values NetApp Get Tenant Onboarding IP Values
67 Loop through all VM’s in system and find out the ESXi host node the VM is on and display in log UCSD – Loop Example
68 Obtain VM ESXi host UCSD – Obtain VM ESXi Host
69 HP OO doesn’t support characters like {} in the URL, that needs to be encoded. Attached is a sample if you want to use UCSD with HP OO Sample HPOO content to launch a workflow on UCS Director using north API
70 UCSD / UCSM firmware update example UCS-D -> UCS-M Firmware update
71 UCSD / Flex Pod Blog Measurable Efficiencies with FlexPod and Cisco UCS Director
72 Trouble Shooting BMA <-> UCSD PXE Boot Setup made easy…
73 Check for Network Interfaces on given Device Check for existence of network interfaces on given device
74 Turn Many VM(s) ON/OFF UCSD – Turn Multiple VM’s On or OFF
75 Original ISO Extractor Script Apply to BMA Redhat and CentOS images
76 UUID suffix pool / WWNN pool / WWPN pool / Server pool / Policies / vNIC template / vHBA template UUID suffix pool / WWNN pool / WWPN pool / Server pool / Policies / vNIC template / vHBA template
77 This custom workflow task can determine which ESX host nodes belong to each ESX cluster VMware ESX Cluster Node Name Determination.
78 Application Stack on VM example UCSD – Application Stack with Custom Button
79 Windows bare metal provisioning using Boot from SAN (BFS). BFS supported using MDS SAN switch and EMC VNX 5500 for boot Lun. Also support multipath IO. UCSD Workflow-Provision Baremetal Windows 2008 with Boot from SAN and Multi Path IO
80 UCSD After Market SDK Usage Other Integration with UCSD (Nimble, Sanovi, Vzure(Service Now), HDS)
81 BMA + UCSM + MDS + NetApp Example UCSD – Bare Metal UCSM + MDS + Netapp Example
82 Change the Executing User of a Workflow Change workflow user
83 Group ID to Group Name Conversion Group ID to Group Name Conversion
84 FQDN to Hostname Conversion FQDN to Hostname  Conversion
85 Assign VM to Group / Assign VM to VDC Assign VM to Group / Assign VM to vDC
86 Deploy Many VM(s) and Custom Hostname / VM name UCSD – Ultimate Namning Convention (Rolodex)
87 Check for Existence of VLAN VLAN exist ? Checker
88 Get all the Reports in UCSD Report on Reports
89 60 Reports as an Example UCSD – 60 Reports
90 Create VM disk and Mount Point (partition/filesystem) (Linux) Example Create VM Disk -> Create Mount Point (Linux)
91 REST API custom Task REST API
92 Read from (CSV) file Read from File
93 PowerShell CLI (ESXi Host Profile) Example Power CLI ESXi Host Profile
94 Application Container Report Application Container Report
95 CIMCI Event Report Cisco CIMC Event report
96 Custom Linux VM Mount Mounting Local disk in Linux VM Custom Task V1.0
97 Linux NFS Volume Mount Unmount Custom Task Linux NFS Volume Mount Unmount for Netapp Storage Custom Task v1.0
98 Port Group Security Policy  Custom Task Port Group Security Policy Custom Task V1.0
99 Storage vMotion Custom Task Storage vMotion Custom Task V1.0
100 vMotion Host-to-Host And Cluster-to-Cluster Custom Task vMotion Host-to-Host And Cluster-to-Cluster Custom Task v1.0
101 Mount and Unmount disk on Windows VM Custom Task Mount and Unmount disk on Windows VM Custom Task v1.0
102 ISO Mounting and Unmounting onto VM Custom Task ISO Mounting and Unmounting onto VM Custom Task v1.0
103 FlexPod CMode ESXi BareMetal FC WORKFLOW v1.0 FlexPod CMode ESXi BareMetal FC WORKFLOW v1.0
104 Create Private VLANs and Associate them to Primary VLAN WORKFLOW v1.0 Create Private VLANs and Associate them to Primary VLAN WORKFLOW v1.0
105 Create VLAN and Assign to Group WORKFLOW v1.0 Create VLAN and Assign to Group WORKFLOW v1.0
106 iSCSI Disk Mounting in Windows Custom Task iSCSI Disk Mounting in Windows Custom Task v1.0
107 ACI 3 Tier Example ACI 3 Tier Application
108 Generate Monthly Billing Report and export (html/PDF) and export to FTP server Generate a monthly billing report (html/pdf) and export it to specified location via SFTP
109 vAPP CLI vApp CLI
110 E-Mail Template Rest Procedure E-mail template Reset
111 ISO Images In UCSD ISO Images in UCSD
112 Simple 3 Tier  App / Web / DB Example Simple 3 Tier Stack / Multiple VM(s) / Multiple Catalogs / Multiple VDC(s)
113 UCSD Custom Graph Reports UCSD Custom Graph Reports
114 Report Service Profiles / Blades over Time Report Service Profiles / Blades over Time
115 Deleting Old Static IP Reservations in UCSD Deleting old Static IP Reservations in UCSD
116 Task (Cloupia Script) Cook Book Cloupia Script Cook Book
117 Amazon AMI images not showing in UCSD Amazon AMI Images not showing in UCSD
118 UCSD – Remedy Integration Example (XML Parsing) UCSD – Remedy Integration Example
119 Retrieve VM IP Address Retrieve VM IP Address Example
120 ACI / APIC Workflow Example UCSD and ACI Workflows
121 Call UCSD workflow via Python API call
122 Convert vDC Name to vDC ID Convert vDC name to vDC ID
123 VM Deployment with USER IP INPUT VM Deployment with USER IP INPUT
124 LDAP User Role Filter Explained LDAP User Role Filter explained
125 Snapshot Report with SUM/Total Snapshot Report with Sum/Total (Multi Cloud)
126 Delete Service Deliver Policy Custom Task Delete Service Delivery Policy
127 UCSD internal DB backup example (Single Node) UCSD internal DB backup example (Single Node)
128 Amazing Network Deployment with UCSD Example Amazing FabricPath Network Deployment with UCSD Example (by Hank Preston)
129 Convert Catalog Name to Catalog ID Convert Catalog Name to Catalog ID
130 How to create a Windows 2012 R2 Template How to Create a Windows 2012 R2 Template for UCSD/vCenter
131 Cloupia Script Classes (SDK) REST API Browser Cloupia Script Classes (SDK) / REST API Browser
132 DFA workflows UCSD 5.2 Basic Fabric Workflows
133 DCNM Inventory Collector DCNM (DFA/Fabric Account) Inventory Collection (UCSD)
134 VNX Datastore Creation with ESXi cluster VNX Datastore
135 API – HTTP Function Object HTTP Function Object
136 Infoblox Integration Infoblox Integration. (via custom tasks).
137 Invoking UCS Director Workflows via the Northbound REST API Invoking UCS Director Workflows via the Northbound REST API
138 Modify NetApp Quotas workflow Modify NetApp Quotas
139 UCS Director CVD – FlexPOD with ACI UCS Director CVD – FlexPod with ACI
140 FlexPod DataCenter with VMware vShpere and Cisco UCS Director FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS Director
141 Create a LUN and add it to a datastore cluster Create a (LUN) in UCSD and add it to a Data Store cluster
142 Ping a system Ping a System
143 Annontate a VM and/or move a VM to a different folder in vCenter VM Annotations + Moving a VM to Different Folder
144 Create VLANs on Selectable Network Devices Create VLANs on Selectable Network Devices
145 Simultaneous Multi VM Deployment, Infoblox Supplied IPs Simultaneous Multi VM Deployment, Infoblox Supplied IPs
146 Custom WF Tasks: Storing Reusable Functions in a Script Module UCSD Custom WF Tasks: Storing Reusable Functions in a Script Module
147 Telnet 2 Port UCSD task to Telnet 2 Port
148 PXE Boot HP OA Blade Server UCSD PXE Boot HP OA Blade Server
149 UCSD and UCS Performance Manager Integration UCSD and UCS Performance Manager Integration
150 UCSM Firmware Report UCSD get UCSM Firmware Report
151 Get IQN Number from UCSM Service Profile UCSD – Get IQN Number from Service Profile in UCSM
152 Create VDC and all of its Policies UCSD Create VDC and all of its Policies Example
153 Set the UCSM Service Profile Description and Label from UCSD Set UCSM Service Profile Description and Label from UCSD
154 Rename VMware Data Store UCSD Rename VMware Data Store
155 Add a VM file to vCenter Inventory UCSD Add VM file to vCenter Inventory
156 Generate UCSD Screen Report Value Extraction(Generic Report) Generic UCSD Screen Report Value Extraction
157 Enable VMRC console UCSD Enable VMRC Console via workflow
158 Create Multiple VMs with Storage Catalog Option UCSD Create Multiple VMs with Storage Catalog Option
159 OVF Deployment and passing attributes to vCenter API UCSD OVF deployment custom task – passing attributes to vCenter API
160 Openstack Integration with UCSD Openstack Integration with UCS Director
161 Generating JSON Data Within UCS Director Custom Workflow Tasks Generating JSON Data Within UCS Director Custom Workflow Tasks
162 Using Python with UCS Director Using Python with UCS Director
163 Parsing JSON Objects within UCS Director Custom Workflow Tasks Parsing JSON Objects within UCS Director Custom Workflow Tasks
164 Compile, Install and Test the Sample SDK Plug-In for UCS Director 5.3 Compile, Install and Test the Sample SDK Plug-In for UCS Director 5.3
165 Passing variables from PowerShell to UCS Director Passing variables from PowerShell to UCS Director
166 Puppet Integration Example with UCSD Puppet Integration Example with UCSD
167 Clone a UCSD Fenced Container Clone a UCSD Container
168 Building a Dashboard view in UCSD Building a Dashboard view in UCS Director using the Dashing toolkit
169 Conditional Statements in UCSD Example Fun with Conditional Statements in UCSD
170 Building an alternative user interface to UCSD  in PHP via UCSD(s) REST API Building an alternative user interface to UCS Director in PHP using the REST API
171 Auto Scaling and Puppet Integration with UCSD Auto Scaling and Puppet Integration with UCSD
172 Pre and Post VM Provisioning via API call UCSD Pre and Post VM Provisioning via API Call
173 Variable Conversion Example UCSD Convert Variables from one type to another type
174 Cisco Live 2015 Examples CiscoLive TECDCT-2750 UCS Director Samples
175 Get VM Details Custom Task UCSD get VM Details
176 Parallel Workflow Execution Example UCSD Parallel Workflow Execution Example
177 Create Windows VM disk and Partition, Format and assign Drive Letter using DOS commands UCSD Windows VM Disk Create (Partition, Format and Assign Drive Letter)(VIX to DOS)
178 Create Windows VM Disk and Partition, Format and assign Drive Letter Using VBS script UCSD Workflow-Windows VM Disk Create (Partition, Format and Assign Drive Letter) (VIX to VBS)
179 Showcase ACI/UCSD integration for Tenant 3 Tier Network Creation Showcase ACI / UCSD Integration for Tenant 3 Tier Network Creation
180 Create Netapp Account via task UCSD Create NetApp Account via Task
181 Create AD Computer Account with Powershell UCSD Powershell example to Create AD Computer Account
182 Get REST API Key for any user UCSD Get REST API Key for any user –  Custom Task
183 Get Submitter User Information UCSD Get Submitter User Information
184 NetApp Aggregate Percentage Used Check in Workflow Example UCSD NetApp Aggregate Percentage Used Report (Checker)
185 Create a NEXUS Account in UCSD Create NEXUS Account in UCSD
186 Patching UCSD from a MAC lap top with local ftp server Patching UCSD from a MAC example
187 Adding comments to the current SR record UCSD Adding Initiator Service Request (SR) Comments
188 Creating UCSM account in UCSD UCSD task to Create UCSM Account in UCSD
189 Create a TAG entry for a VM in vCenter UCSD Create a TAG in vCenter for a given VM Name
190 Add Owner user group as local Admin on windows UCSD Add Owner User Group as Local Administrator for Windows
191 Create Color SR Log File Entries UCSD Create Color SR Log File Entry(s)
192 Install / Upgrade VMware Tools UCSD Install / Upgrade VMware Tools
193 Create Cluster Storage Policy UCSD Create Cluster Storage Policy
194 User Information Task UCSD User Information Task
195 LOV creation from CSV file UCSD LOV Creation from CSV File
196 LOV Providers and how to find them UCSD LOV Providers (How to find them)
197 Password Check at Workflow Task Level UCSD Password Check at Workflow Task Level (Controller after unMarshall)
198 Password Check at Workflow Execution Level UCSD Password Check at Workflow Execution Level
199 Create Tenant VDC and all of its Policies with function calls UCSD Create Tenant VDC and its Policies
200 The UCSD custom task script bundle UCSD Custom Tasks Script Bundle (126 Tasks)
201 Power Shell Example – Creating a script with the use of the “@” symbol UCSD Power Shell Script Creation with the “@” symbol
202 How to create check boxes and global variables UCSD Check Boxes and Global Variables Example
203 Move file in PowerShell with UCSD example UCSD Power Shell Example on how to move a file from one server to another in UCSD
204 Controlling the Nimble RESTful API with UCS Director Custom Workflow Tasks UCSD Controlling the Nimble RESTful API with UCS Director Custom Workflow Tasks
205 Move a VM in AD to a different OU UCSD Workflow to move VM to different OU in AD
206 XML Parsing Example UCSD XML Parsing Example
207 APIC REST API Format Example UCSD APIC REST API Format
208 XtremeIO Example API calls UCSD XtremIO Example
209 Re-direct HTTP traffic to HTTPS UCSD HTTP -> HTTPS Redirect
210 How to test for Null in Powershell/UCSD UCSD Example on how to test for NULL in Powershell
211 UCSD Send/Get APIC API command UCSD – Send/Get APIC API Command
212 UCSD Check Password UCSD – Check Password Consistency and Complexity
213 UCSD Sting Pack UCSD – String Pack
214 UCSD Status Workflow Pack UCSD – Status Pack
215 UCSD VIX Trouble Shooting UCSD VIX Trouble shooting
215 UCSD GUI / Nodes Time out UCSD Time Out (UI/Nodes)
216 UCSD File UP Load Example UCSD – File UP Load example
217 UCSD Testing if Windows RDP port 3389 is up and running UCSD – Testing if Windows RDP (3389) is up and running
218 UCSD – Puppet / Foreman Adding Hosts to Host Groups UCSD – Puppet/Foreman Adding Hosts to Host Groups
219 UCSD – Automating Subnet and IP Pool Creation UCSD – Automating Subnet and IP Policy Creation
220 UCSD – Input Formating Example UCSD – Basic Input Formating Custom Task
221 UCSD – Get User Group Details UCSD – Get Group Details
222 UCSD- convert dvPortgroup to Portgroup UCSD – Type Conversion – dvPortGroup to Generic PortGroup
223 UCSD – Create VDC with Policies. UCSD – New 3 Tier vDC with Policies
224 UCSD – New ACI Tenant UCSD – New ACI Tenant and Standard ANP Creation
225 UCSD LOV Creation from SQL / Powershell Input UCSD LOV Creation from SQL / Powershell
226 UCSD – SR ID Failure Report (${SR_ID}) UCSD – Service Request Failed Step Report (SR ID)
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