I’m a systems engineer at Microsoft working in the music, video and advertising team. Specifically, my team is focused on delivering video services. We are responsible for bringing home entertainment, specifically TV shows and movies, to your living room through your Xbox.
But enough about me, you’re here to read about Cicso Unified Computing Systems.
My role with Microsoft brought my first experience working with Cisco UCS products and the technology could not be more exciting. UCS offers a unique ability to manipulate hardware from every aspect.
Currently, I am working with Craig, the brain behind the Real World UCS and a long time UCS architect and fanatic. While Craig brings a senior and expert perspective to this site, my goal is to share my experience as a UCS noobie.
My experience with UCS has already spanned a whole range of emotions. From extreme frustration (“Why can’t I alter this service profile while its binded?”) to the euphoria found in the power of creating up to 999 MAC addresses in a MAC pool. (This one is actually true. You cannot go over 1000 Mac’s per pool.)
I will continue to write articles as I learn and I’m really excited to become involved in this community. Connect with me on LinkedIn, follow me on Twitter (@kglover29) or comment below.
“This is the true story… when people stop being polite… and start getting real…The Real World UCS”
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