HiveOS will need some libs added
Run these commands (If you are not familiar with Linux package management, this might be difficult. Just going with defaults to questions will get most by)
apt-get –assume-yes install software-properties-common
add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
apt-get update
apt-get –assume-yes install gcc-4.9
apt-get upgrade libstdc++6
For HiveOS follow these instructions
But use THIS pool
Example Flightsheet
NOTE: The -U will use All CUDA/nvidia cards by default
Pool Dashboard
~~~~ For testing and debugging ~~~~
# to download custom miner via CLI to HiveOS
# unzip
tar zxvf energiminer-2.2.1-Linux.tar.gz
# check if energiminer sees GPU’s. “-U” is to use All CUDA devices
./energiminer -U –list-devices
Listing CUDA devices.
FORMAT: [deviceID] deviceName
[0] GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
Compute version: 6.1
cudaDeviceProp::totalGlobalMem: 3165716480
Pci: 0000:02:00
[1] GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
Compute version: 6.1
cudaDeviceProp::totalGlobalMem: 3166109696
Pci: 0000:03:00
[2] GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
Compute version: 6.1
cudaDeviceProp::totalGlobalMem: 3166109696
Pci: 0000:04:00
[3] GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
Compute version: 6.1
cudaDeviceProp::totalGlobalMem: 3166109696
Pci: 0000:05:00
# working CLI
./energiminer “stratum://” -U
~~~~ For testing and debugging ~~~~
Totally badass util that was created for checking on Mining Stats
For anyone tired of logging in every single time with their wallet address on the mining pool just to check the status on their rigs, I’ve created an interface that works with
It also shows you the latest price from Cryptopia, the current difficulty, and your wallet balance (along with your total hashrate and the hashrate of each rig)
# My Rig (Example)
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