Give yourself the gift of happiness and connecting to life this year. Doing something meaningful (and it matters not if it has meaning to anyone else) is connecting to life. Let it be the perfect cup of coffee, or whatever connects you. This practice daily is essential. Just one connection daily has a profound effect. Give yourself this gift this year.
Happiness can be a struggle but a noble one…
Albert Camus memorably admonished that those who prefer their principles over their happiness remain unhappy, suggesting that such rigid personal dogmas at the expense of actionable happiness are a form of especially dehumanizing self-punishment. Nearly a century earlier, Vincent van Gogh explored this disconnect with great wisdom in a letter to his brother Theo:
“How many have become desperate in Paris — calmly, rationally, logically and rightly desperate? … All the more, all the more, I think every attempt in [the] direction [of success] is worthy of respect. I also believe that it may happen that one succeeds and one mustn’t begin by despairing; even if one loses here and there, and even if one sometimes feels a sort of decline, the point is nevertheless to revive and have courage, even though things don’t turn out as one first thought” ~ Vincent van Gogh
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