Both FI’s are a world onto themselves, always check both.
BigUCS-A# connect nxos a
Let’s say the MAC is 0050.1234.1234 and we find it on FIA.
BigUCS-A# show mac address-table dynamic |grep 0050.1234.1234
* 327 0050.1234.1234 dynamic 0 F F Veth3724
Now we know the MAC belongs to Veth3724! 🙂
Another need might be listing all MAC’s in a vlan:
BigUCS-A# show mac address-table vlan 250
To find Service Profile the Virtual Interface (VIF) belongs to:
BigUCS-B(nxos)# show interface vethernet 3724
Vethernet3724 is up
Bound Interface is port-channel1000
Hardware: Virtual, address: 7777.1234.9000 (bia 7777.1234.9000)
Description: server 8/7, VNIC nic7 (There ya go, the vethernet belongs to Server 8/7, nic7)
Encapsulation ARPA
Port mode is trunk
EtherType is 0x8100
885402916 unicast packets 6424 multicast packets 1543 broadcast packets
885410883 input packets 440712548014 bytes
0 input packet drops
1216581715 unicast packets 87995452 multicast packets 26284108 broadcast packets
1330861275 output packets 485079662330 bytes
0 flood packets
0 output packet drops
From knowing the Blade the corresponding Service Profile can be found with:
BigUCS-B(nxos)# exit
BigUCS-B(nxos)# show server assoc 8/7
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