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Cisco UCS remove server from pool and from service profile template without reboot?

Cisco UCS remove server from pool and from service profile template without reboot?

YES, there is a way!


1) Note all the Service Profile to Blade associations.

2) For each Service Profile with blade in Server Pool run a command like below: (this would be Service Profile test01 associated with balde 4/4).
Associate-UcsServiceProfile -ServiceProfile (Get-UcsServiceProfile -name “test01”) -Blade (Get-UcsBlade -Chassis 4 -SlotId 4)

Step 2 above can also be automated with the below PowerShell by @pshankarb. PowerShell is run against the Server Pool.

Run the abelow script as :> C:\server_pool.ps1 -dls “a.b.c.d” -serverpool “pool1; pool2” dls> ucs IP serverpool> comma separated list of all server pools of interest.






$domains= ($dls.split(“;”))

$server_pools= ($serverpool.split(“;”))

foreach($domain in $domains){


if($domain.count -eq 0){

write-host “invalid domain. Exiting.”



$pwd = convertto-securestring -Force -AsPlainText “###”

$local = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist “ucs-ADS\###”

$conn =  Connect-Ucs $domain -Credential $local;



write-host “no connection. check input.”



foreach($pool in $server_pools){


$pndn_list= ((Get-UcsServerPoolAssignment| ?{$_.opername -match $pool})| select pndn).pndn


foreach($pndn in $pndn_list){





$sp= get-ucsserviceprofile| ?{$_.pndn -match $pndn}

Associate-UcsServiceProfile -ServiceProfile $sp -Blade (Get-UcsBlade -dn $pndn) -force





3) Remove the Server Pool from the corresponding Service Profile Template.

4) Delete Server Pool.

Published inUncategorized

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