Had to toss together quickly a high level “What is going to happen” email regarding updating code on a UCS. Put the below together in a blazing 15 minutes. Isn’t perfect but was fun to make. Thought I would share my primitive diagram skills. Feel free to crib any of this for your purposes.
UCS has two controllers FIA & FIB. 50% of connectivity for each server on UCS goes through the Active/Active controllers. Each FI is rebooted for code update, one at a time.
For SAN:
If the a server has 4 paths to SAN, 2 are on each FI. So 2 will fail each FI update, but the updates are staggered so connectivity is never lost completely. Multipathing should handle this server side.
For Network:
When networking fails over Bonded NIC’s will see one side fail at a time but not both at once. If only one NIC is present on server, UCS will handle failover and server will not see it (other than tcp/ip session reconnect but interface will not go down).
Most servers live through this without any issues. ESX, Linux, and Windows bare metal servers usually do fine.
Can only give a 99% guarantee that a server will have no issues.
Link to source here https://realworlducs.com/stuff/Drawing4.vsd
Graphical interpretation of upgrade below
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