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My CCNP Journey


OK got away from this for a while and realize my CCNA expires in a year. Time to get back to this. Just signed up for a CCNP bootcamp through Global Knowledge in Seattle. More info to follow.

Course Course Name
5169C Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE)
5170C Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks
5171C Troubleshooting & Maintaining Cisco IP Networks


Time to get home lab setup again…


Original Post Published on: Oct 24, 2012

Really jazzed to have a CCNA. After a rest, now it is time to get to the next level while while the new knowledge is still in my brain.

Before talking CCNP checkout 3 posts on CCNA Journey here:

Study Guide for Cisco CCNA

iPad study App review for CCNA

xls for IP Subnetting study and memorization

Purchased a home lab for study. Something I didn’t do for the CCNA. Have learned that nothing works better for learning and keeping the study interesting more than “Doing it”.

Inspired from listening to a PacketPusters podcast on the CCNP Journey. It lays out a little strategy and why for the CCNP.

PacketPushers also has a great new article on Cert-Seeking

Personal Study Tips of a Time-Strained Cert-Seeker

Got a nice little lab on Ebay. Didn’t have a lab for the CCNA and now know, a lab it the best ever. Doing everything studied keeps it interesting and really keeps the interest. Without a lab too much is “remembering”. Making it all happen is fun and the best learning. At some point there are SIM’s on the certification tests, and the real world is at the prompt, so Best to have done everything in the cert. Also being able to ssh from work to your lab to try something out is priceless.

My little lab is on the way!


Downloaded the “CCNP Routing & Switching Course” from INE. Worth every penny, much better than the CCNA course they offer. Gets more fun after CCNA, and even teaching it looks more fun. I totally endorse INE.

10/30/2012 Getting the lab setup!


11/02/2012 Lab is up!


The gear is really quiet. Could actually leave this on. Setting up a Cacti server to monitor temperature.

Recently found a CCNP Bootcamp I am interested in here: Has anyone tried out the bootcamps? I think Lammle would have the best stuff since he is so hard core “LEARN IT” and I am sure would go way beyond teaching only for the test. Think this would be an amazing experience in truly learning. After considering the expense and time decided not to go this route. Would like to do this, but isn’t a good time now to take the time off or spend the money. If a person has the time or money, they should do this for sure.

Recently found the CCNA & CCNP books at This guy is AMAZING and writing the greatest color graphic rich learning manuals for the SWITCH, ROUTE, and TSHOOT. These have the same sections as the Cisco Press books but are shorter, graphic rich, and more to the point. It goes description, graphic, cli examples as a flow for most sections. Have switched from the Cisco Press books to these.

Scheduling the SWITCH test for mid February.

Published inCCNP

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