This isn’t financial advice, I am crazy don’t listen to me. Use all this at your own risk.
With that said, this is a work in progress. Will be updating this until it is all fine tuned and am super interested in feedback.
Automated MACD Trading With TradingView and Autoview
Would like to trade between USD and BTC based on MACD signal line crossing.
The trigger on MACD is easy enough to configure with the
This is built around TradingView and Autoview
InTradingView add the standard MACD Indicator
Configure TradingView alert based on MACD Signal Crossing MACD
Right click on the MACD indicator to get the below menu. Make one for buy and sell.
Each of these examples moves 1 BTC. You can edit of course. I tested with 1 ETC.
NOTE: The alert will run on the interview that chart was at. So this one runs every hour.
NOTE: For this to run chart HAS TO BE UP.
I create alerts on the 1 minute chart for testing. The Option “Only Once” is helpful when testing.
Buy on MACD
Sell on MACD
Got get Autoview It costs $25 a month to use on all exchanges. A few janky small ones are free to use.
Have NOT been able to get working on GDAX/ Binance is working so going with that until GDAX/ gets figured out.
If GDAX/ worked would like to test this moving $100 back and forth. The syntax below should work… but does not for some reason
Configure Autoview
Autoview Alert Syntext
There is a Discord chat for Autoview
You can also submit support tickets here
AutoView Order Syntax Generator Tool – The TigerBot
A very good YouTube of setting up AutoView
When all done, and connected, your exchange should say “Connected”. Always use the test API keys, there is an option when setting up in Autoview.
That is truly all you have to do.
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