VLAN Manager is primarily used for configurations like “Dis-joined Layer-2 Domain Configuration”. Have always thought it is kind of lame that Cisco makes multiple Port-Channels to an FI sound like a crime. Talk about “Controlling the Narrative” and blaming the victim 🙂
A UCS is expected to have one Port-Channel/Uplink per FI to follow UCS Central best practices. VLAN Manager isn’t dynamic in Central. Cisco has found a way to do away with Dis-joined Layer-2 and it is called “UCS Central”. This isn’t a bad thing, but something to take into account if you are integrating Central into an environment with “Dis-joined Layer-2 Domains”.
VLAN’s and VSAN’s are not defined on a UCS statically when using UCS Central, they are created dynamically to match Global Service Profiles in Central. Central owns all VLAN’s and VSAN’s and creates them on UCS’s as needed (just be sure the Uplinks have all possible VLAN/VSAN’s trunked). Boot policies that bind to a VSAN will create the VSAN when assigned to a UCS. Central is a pretty hippie “see it and be it” way of managing UCS systems. Burn some Patchouli Incense it helps.
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