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HOW TO install FluxNode, Update and Run Diagnostics

Just a few notes to speed up Flux Node installation process (For Copy & Paste):

  1. Build a new Ubuntu virtual machine.
    • Synology: Install Synology Virtual Machine Manager Tools / QEMU guest agent with either of the commands:
      For Ubuntu operating system
      sudo apt-get install qemu-guest-agent
      service qemu-guest-agent start

      For RedHat/CentOS/Fedora operating systems
      yum install qemu-guest-agent
    • VMware ESXi: Install Open VM Tools:
      sudo apt-get install open-vm-tools
  2. Install and update Ubuntu:
    timedatectl set-timezone 'Europe/London'
    sudo systemctl disable systemd-networkd-wait-online.service
    sudo systemctl mask systemd-networkd-wait-online.service
    sudo su
    apt-get update
    apt-get upgrade
    sudo apt-get install curl
    sudo apt-get install npm -y
  3. Install FluxNode:
    sudo su
    bash -i <(curl -s
    • Install Docker – Option 1
      • Enter your username – username of the account that will be running Flux – flux
      • Press Y to switch to the user specified in the previous step
    • Install FluxNode – Option 2
      • Enter your FluxNode Identity Key generated by your Zelcore – XXX – Check your FluxNode details in ZelCore Wallet;
      • Enter your FluxNode Collateral TX ID – XXX;
      • Enter your FluxNode Output Index usually a 0/1 – 0 or 1;
      • Enter your ZEL ID from ZelCore (Apps -> Zel ID (CLICK QR CODE)) – XXX;
      • Node tier eligible to receive KDA rewards, what’s your KDA address? Nothing else will be required on FluxOS regarding KDA – XXX;
      • Choose a method for how to get bootstrap file – Download from source build in script.
    • Multinode Configuration with uPNP – Option 14
    • If you Enable Thunder mode FluxOS reconfiguration – Option 11
    • re-run fluxbench-cli getbenchmark

Update Linux and Flux Node – Flux OS, Flux Daemon and Fluxbench

As a flux node operator you will need to keep not only your Flux Node components up to date (Fluxbench, Flux OS and Flux Daemon), but also the Linux operating system that is on your host machine. Time to time is really important to install Linux updates to make sure your node security have the latest updates and also firmware that can lead to better system performance. Here is a quick and easy script that you can run that will update your Flux packages, Flux OS and Linux OS. The update reboots the machine once it’s finished. The script needs to be executed with the user used to install fluxnode, not root user.

sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get --with-new-pkgs upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y && cd && cd zelflux && git checkout . && git checkout master && git reset --hard origin/master && git pull && sudo reboot

Flux Node View – node, daemon and benchmark diagnostic tool and log viewer

bash -i <(curl -s node)

Troubleshooting FluxNode:

  1. Benchmark / Node connectivity fails: “Syncthing is not running properly”
    • Re-configure uPNP – Multitoolbox, option 14
    • Re-run FluxNode analyzer and fixer – Multitoolbox, option 3

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Author: Mark Strong

Published in#fluxCryptoVMware