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Interview with Shane Tyler Milson – Black Magic Alchemy

Today’s interview features Shane Tyler Milson of Black Magic Alchemy, a company and philosophy inspired by Shane’s love of foraging mushrooms. Black Magic Alchemy’s premier product is a Chaga mushroom-based Rootbeer Elixir, and all of the Chaga used to create this magical elixir is wild harvested deep in Canadian forests by Shane and his crew. Chaga mushrooms are typically found growing on birch trees and contain powerful immune boosting health benefits. We enthusiastically discuss Chaga and Reishi mushrooms and discuss at length the many reasons one should consider adding them to their diet. We also discuss modern Shamanism and its re-emergence into our daily lives. This interview was magical and inspired from start to finish.

“We sustainably hunt our own wild rare mature Chaga mushrooms in pristine Canadian forests, blessing every birch tree before harvest & taking only a small portion of the mushroom to protect the life force energy of the tree, mushroom and forest.” ~ Shane Tyler Milson

Listen for breaking news on new Black Magic Alchemy products!


Interview – SoundCloud

Interview – YouTube

Interview – dtube!/v/radiantcreators/cf8pt6d1

Interview – iTunes

Interview – MP3
Download complete show as an MP3 by right-clicking here and choosing “save as”

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Black Magic Alchemy – Website

Black Magic Alchemy – Facebook

Shane Milson – YouTube

Inspiring Content by Shane Milson

Kill The Bear | Motivational Video | “What One Man Can Do, Another Can Do!”

Published inRadiantCreators

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