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UCS X-Series unboxes two CRN Awards

It’s a great holiday season for Cisco UCS X-Series – receives TWO awards from CRN!


The CRN Tech Innovators Awards are meant to “..showcase offerings that bring significant advances in technology as well as partner growth opportunities…”1 In November, Cisco won the Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure award. It recognizes the need for transforming both your operating model while preparing your infrastructure for future technologies. Using Cisco Intersight, you manage your infrastructure from the cloud with the additional benefits of opening a support case and collecting the logs for you, initiating replacing a failing component automatically, letting you know if an advisory impacts your specific environment, and more. That, with a modular system that can handle both traditional blade and many rack server workloads and is future ready for technology transitions like CXL makes UCS X-Series a winner.


CRN Tech Innovation Award


The second award is the Product of the Year, Industry-Standard Servers award. CRN selects the finalists and then asks “solution provider partners to choose winners based on how the products rate on technology, revenue and profit opportunities, and customer need.”2 This echoes the hybrid cloud infrastructure award but comes from our partners when evaluating what UCS X-Series has to offer over our competitors.



Thanks to those same partners and our customers, UCS X-Series has become the fasting ramping UCS server for Cisco. In talking with account teams about our customers and why they are choosing UCS X-Series a couple of things stand out. They really appreciate the modular design that allows them to future proof their environment for the next decade. The other is the Intersight operating model. I wrote a 10-part blog series covering the entire system and operating model. That series can be found here –


I hope your holidays are as joyful as they are for the Cisco UCS X-Series team!


See the awards here:


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Author: Bill Shields

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