Really Jazzed with the new UCS 6248 FI’s recently released. Now you can get 2 stacked 6248’s as a 6296. Just like the 6120 and 6140 are put together.

Was always a little worried with only 48 ports per FI after the new Cisco UCS 2204XP 2208XP Fabric Extender’s equaling 40 and 80 Gbps as Port-Channel’s came out! A chassis with 4×10 connections per IOM to FI isn’t unheard of. Although even video encoding usually does fine with 2. If anyone has a chassis with 8×10 per IOM and is actually using that bandwidth let me know what you are doing.
Read more on the 2204 and 2208 here:
UCSGuru did a good write up on the new 6296 here:
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